Wednesday, January 18, 2012

MAN vs. FOOD real life edition!

Tyrannus Saurus Rex burger! 

1000g of ground beef (F.Y.I. for my US peeps that's equivalent to about 2.2lbs of meat!!)

Also $17.90 Euro's is roughly $15 USD!

Ever wondered what that looks like? 

Well your wish has been granted! 

Presenting the Tyrannus Saurus Rex!

YEAH YUH! bahahahahaha!

My baby bear in the front (F.Y.I. my so called "baby bear" burger was actually HUGE!!!!), The hubs momma bear on the top left corner and last but definitely not least Waki w/ the mack daddy bear!

Just so you know I jokingly told him to order that monster burger but I really didn't think he'd finish it I just wanted him to order it so I could see what it looked like I.R.L. and as they say the rest is history!

With the original Paul of Paul's burgers who swung by to chat after he finished that giant behemoth!

Paul was kind enough to buy both boys a shot! 

CHEE-HOOOOO!  Just because Waki's from Hawaii!

And finally here he is sad that we won't share a banana split with him.




  1. Wow that is insane! OMG I can barely finish a burger here in the U.S and I always thought the U.S had huge portions, lol. That portion was just massive. I'm impressed! haha

  2. OMG that burger is insane and the name is super fitting. I can't believe that managed to stuff 2.2 lbs of beef into a meal. It's looks great to share. ^^ Props to your friend to finished the monster burger by himself. Thank you so much for the kind words about my wedding trial hair and makeup, it was super sweet.

  3. holy mother of lord...thats a big much as i love burgers..and i really do, i dont think i can finish it...ur frd is very kool..maybe entering him to a eating think that one burger probably will take me and at least 2 of my frd to finish...on a empty props to ur frd to finish it....
    Ur posts are alwasy fun to read ^_^


  4. Did he seriously finish that entire thing? If so, MAD PROPS!!

  5. Haha your friend is so funny and I'm very impressed that he finished it. There was this restaurant that served a 4 lbs steak and if you finished it, you got it for free. Well a marine finished it and then finished his girl friend's steak. I don't know why, but that reminded me of this. :)

  6. my gosh that burger was huge! i'm surprised he was able to finish it! haha he so funny in the last picture

  7. ughhh food coma for sure.

    long time no talk bloggy buddy! miss you!

  8. ohmygosh, those are huuuuuuge!!! i would be totally happy with the baby bear, the tyrannus saurus rex looks so tempting though, haha! ;)

    p.s. i am definitely having a burger for dinner. ;)

    <3, Mimi

  9. Crazy. That thing looks like a heart attack on a plate! I've seen something similar to that here in Edmonton.. there's a place called Monster Burger. It's also a 1 Kg beef patty, but has half a pound of bacon, cheddar cheese, about a head of lettuce, a couple tomatoes & fried onions inside. The bun is Italian pagnotta bread.. and the whole thing weighs about 4.5 pounds!! Crazy right?! If one person can finish it within an hour.. the burger is free! But if you don't finish it, it costs $40 haha!

  10. HAHA!! this post made me smile

  11. Holy crap that's a big burger! Just looking at it there one minute, digested the next makes me crave a huge salad. Haha I love how yours comes on a teeny plate!

  12. OH MY GOD! definitely be sharing that burger if i ever try

  13. Omg he finished it?!?! He deserves his pic on the wall too for that...haha :D

  14. Hahaha actually we are often going for burgers at a S. African place owned by a friend and they also have a huge 1 kilo burger. DH had one last time but couldn't finish it. I ate mine (a large one but not 1 kg) , what DH left, and a steak. I'm such a pig... I could totally eat the huge one on a hungry day :D
    I don't know about the banana split. I have to set some limits.

  15. omggggggg can't believe he finished!!! did he get his picture on the wall or something cool like that?!

    now i am kinda craving a good burger after being in Taiwan for so long hehehe

  16. OMO. That looks delicious~~~ *WANTS* haha.

  17. Omggggggggggggggg that burger is absolutely completely utterly INSANE. How...I don't even know..........what.......

  18. Looks delicious! =)

  19. Those burgers were insane!

  20. Hi Lisa!!!! Omg that burger was ginormous!!! Can't believe your friend finished that and I'm glad he didn't get any banana split, he might have exploded and what a mess that would have been LOL I hope you're doing well deary! I've been reading all your posts but not able to comment on them T_T I'm using bf's laptop right now and his can comment!!! WTH?! This might mean I need a new laptop/mac soon hahaha!

  21. OMG that burger was HUGE. and now I want one. I am sure I won't make it through the first few bites but I want one just so I can take a photo with it and say that I tasted it. Even though if I open my mouth as wide as I could, I could probably only bite the bun.

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  22. HOLY WTF. He ate that whole thing?!?!?! Jesus pieces!!!


  23. Haha...I hope you showed your hubs the price list! :P I know! Totally need to take a trip there. XD

  24. Funny photos. That is an enormous burger. In the mood for a juicy burgers with fries now.

  25. Omg'd Waki is SO cute! I can't get over that burger AND that he ate all of it AND wanted a banana split. LOL I need to move to Hawaii! He's a cutie! LOL :D

  26. that is one HUGE burger!! haha gosh I would have to work out everyday to after eating that hehe

  27. Whoa... that's a real huge meal indeed! hahaha I like the pink necklace you wore btw! :)♪

  28. That was ridiculous!!! At first I thought it was impossible wtfff
