Wednesday, May 30, 2012



MUHAHAHA I'm soooooooooooo "mature" :p

We found an all you can eat Japanese restaurant!!  You order the food from an Ipad.. and you dictate how many orders of anything you want and then they bring it to the table.  Pretty neat! Which is really awesome because the hot foods come out piping hot and the sushi is fresh!

Assorted Sushi

Everyone seems UBER excited to eat all you can eat sushi HAHA.

Getting the party started early!

Bethie's first time drinking Sake.. I don't think she's a fan hahahah!

Fried Duck, Fried shrimpies, Fried Takoyaki, Fried Potato Croquette

Seaweed salad and Edamame

The seaweed salad was really yummy and so were the edamame's - unfortunately the Hub's kept referring to the Edamame as an Enema *sigh* only a group of health care professionals can 1. find that amusing 2. appreciate the Hub's sense of humor and 3. continue right on eating even after an Enema discussion!! EW! (Did you click on the enema link? You did didn't you?! Hahahaha and you are completely grossed out now aren't you? ahahah)

Crab claw & Shrimp Tempura

I am SOOO good at doing manual group shots... hahah all those years of taking my own myspace profile pics has finally paid off BAHAHAHAHA! 

Round of sake shots for the boys!

Hehehehe is there such a thing as having TOO much fun?! :p


  1. looks so fun! i've never been to a restaurant where you can order from an iPad, must be so awesome and no mix up!
    i haven't had sushi for so long, i am craving now lol

  2. wish I had one of those here :P

  3. YUMMY! The food looks scrumptious! Looks like you guys had a ton of fun :D

  4. All you can eat sushi? Sign me up! I love your posts - they're always so fun :)

  5. Oh yes, I did click on the link alright. I didn't know what it was and was curious.

    How fun it is to order food from an iPad and that they are delicious and fresh too. I would love to try ordering food from an iPad too.

    I thought the sumo's butt was forever friends bear.

  6. Don't worry. I already knew what an enema was, but how unusual that your husband kept on referring to the edemame as an enema...The food looks great though and it looks like everyone was having fun!

  7. Ordering food from an iPad is so convenient... though isn't the restaurant worried about people just stealing them? That sumo butt picture is too funny, Lisa!

    xo, alison*elle

  8. That is neat to see the restaurant using the iPad as their menu, I have yet to see it here. I love you food pics, my mouth waters every time and now Im craving some sushi. It looks like you all had great time! I love the pic of the sumo guy! Hilarious!

  9. I soo wish we had good sushi here! The Sumo is hilarious. The menu on the iPad is pretty cool.

  10. I've seen this iPad sushi ordering place in Asia. They try to be as close as Japan where they order from a vending machine lookalike, maybe? Sake yum

  11. Very fantastic restaurant! Cool party!:)

  12. wow looks so good!!!! and believe it or not I want that sumo doll! Lol it's kind of cute :p

  13. ROTFLOL - OMG that sumo butt! I was like "huh" at first, then "oh! my!" :)
    Gah - been craving sushi this week.!

    xx Vivian @

  14. Cool!!
    was it the Düsseldorf location or the Wiesbaden one? My friend was talking about a sushi restaurant in Düsseldorf with iPads and I'm pretty sure this must be the restaurant he was talking about! btw there's a Japanese cultural event going on in Düsseldorf this weekend!
    and.. I'm in Köln! I'm here for a few weeks and then going back to MD.. but then I'm moving back to Germany in the fall!

    maybe we can meet up, either in June or when i come back in the fall?
    hope you're having fun!
    Tschüss! <3

  15. SUSHI. SUSHI. SUSHI. (we'll forget about the enema) SUSHI. and SUMO BUTT! Lisa, it looks like a smashing dinner!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  16. OMG looks deelish and OMG some more over the ordering via the ipad. I saw it on TV and I thought it wasn't implemented yet. THAT IS SUPER COOL.

  17. the sushi looks yummy!!


  18. Haha.... love the first image. It is so cool you are ordering off an iPad.

  19. Ooooh Noooo! i really eta toooo eat sushi now. i mean seriously at this middle night! ohgosh! the sushi was sooo great and there many i haven't try yet! i can smeeeeeelllls the sushi right now. and the seaweed look delicious1 :)

  20. the ipad is such a smart idea for ordering sushi..i can`t even tell you how many times i`ve STARVED waiting for the waitress to come around again! this is so nifty and cool!

  21. That is such a cool concept! But...what if you didn't have a iPad, no food for you? haha

  22. You all looked like you had so much! While we don't have an all you can eat Japanese restaurant (which sounds like a fantastic idea) I do have a 24 hour one connected to my building! Nothing like udon at 4:17 AM on a Wednesday!

  23. Tempura is one of my favorites, too.

  24. Ooooh, glad you were finally able to find a sushi place! I'm craving it so badly now after looking at the pics!

  25. I find that sake is so easy to drink. I guess it's just not for everyone!

    I usually avoid eat-all-you-can sushi cause they tend to be not good quality sushi, but these look pretty good :D
